Moving to Hugo

Hugo is a static site generator created by Steve Francia using Golang. It is very fast, customizable and has a comprehensive documentation

Rendering Mermaid in Docpad

I stumbled across Mermaid when I saw @ronaldwidha retweeted a tweet about it. Mermaid is a library for writing diagrams instead of draw them similar to Marked to markdown, awesome! So, I thought I could use this in my blog just in case I need to draw some flowcharts or sequence diagrams in the future. DocPad uses Marked to render markdown to html via docpad-plugin-marked but natively, it doesn’t support Mermaid syntax.

Blogging with Docpad

It has been a long time since I planned to have a dedicated blog for writing about some more “meaningful” stuff instead of just my rumbling I posted on my trash bin. After looking out what blogging platforms available, I finally decided to use GitHub pages to host my posts. However, as it uses Jekyll as its engine, many people suggested to install Jekyll in my local machine, which was a no-show for me.

Hello, I'm Nauval. I code for living. I blog in my spare time.

Have a look around and drop me an email should you have any questions, feedback or just to say hi!