Moving to Hugo

Hugo is a static site generator created by Steve Francia using Golang. It is very fast, customizable and has a comprehensive documentation

Upload Files with Backbone.js, Node.js and express 4.x

Backbone fundamentals is a great free resource to learn Backbone.js from scratch. The book was written by Addy Osmany under creative-commons license. As its second exercise, the book guide the readers to create a simple library application that uses Node.js as the back-end. However, it left the part to upload book’s cover to the readers as an exercise. Hence, here is the way I did it. Requirement There are two additional requirements for the upload book’s cover features:

Rendering Mermaid in Docpad

I stumbled across Mermaid when I saw @ronaldwidha retweeted a tweet about it. Mermaid is a library for writing diagrams instead of draw them similar to Marked to markdown, awesome! So, I thought I could use this in my blog just in case I need to draw some flowcharts or sequence diagrams in the future. DocPad uses Marked to render markdown to html via docpad-plugin-marked but natively, it doesn’t support Mermaid syntax.

Setting Up Custom Domain for GitHub Pages

It has been a couple days since is online, and to be honest the process was not as hard as I had imagined. Kudos to David Ensinger who has written in details on how he set up his custom domain for his GitHub pages and tweak it to get faster by using cloudflare. All the needed information to do this can be found there. I purchased this this domain name at NameCheap, as suggested by David’s post, with just a bit more than five bucks for a year.

Rendering Backbone (Sub)View

When learning backbone.js (i’m a novice by the way), at first, I was actually having a hard time to grasp the backbone view. Especially how the best practice to render the view and build a rather complex view consists of several subviews. And then, magically I came accross Ian Storm Taylor’s post about his experience on dealing with backbone subview. At first I didn’t quiet understand well about the post until I found a thread on stackoverflow, which was started by Ian Storm Taylor.

Blogging with Docpad

It has been a long time since I planned to have a dedicated blog for writing about some more “meaningful” stuff instead of just my rumbling I posted on my trash bin. After looking out what blogging platforms available, I finally decided to use GitHub pages to host my posts. However, as it uses Jekyll as its engine, many people suggested to install Jekyll in my local machine, which was a no-show for me.

Hello, I'm Nauval. I code for living. I blog in my spare time.

Have a look around and drop me an email should you have any questions, feedback or just to say hi!